Volunteers needed for upcoming Curl BC events and championships
Being part of the behind-the-scenes work at a Curl BC championship is an annual opportunity at host clubs across the province. Volunteers play a valuable and critical role in the success of a BC championship event—join in on the positive experience and fun that a BC Championship has to offer to all involved.
Our championships require an army of volunteers to support with 50/50 sales, photography, ice maintenance, ceremonies/receptions, online score updating, live streaming, time clock operation, on-ice observing, timing supervision and home/away on-ice supervision.
As we head into fall, we are in particular need of volunteers for our first group of events, which occur in December and January. If you live in one of the communities hosting events listed below and are available to help out, please click the volunteer registration links and sign up:
Richmond, BC – 2023 BC Wheelchair Volunteer Form
Richmond, BC – 2023 BC U18 Volunteer Form
Chilliwack, BC – 2023 BC Scotties and Men’s Volunteer Form
Duncan, BC – 2023 BC U21 Volunteer Form