Regions to Zones

The bylaw changes adopted at the Curl BC AGM on June 12 have paved the way for Curl BC to organize into Zones rather than Regions.
It means the regional committees will now disband.
The following instructions have been sent to last season’s Regional Reps with regards to the regional bank accounts. If you were involved with a Regional Committee it is a good idea to connect with other members from your region to decide the path forward.
Regional bank accounts
Some regions might have money in their accounts.
- The Committees/clubs will decide what to do
- Suggest the following two options
- Split the remaining funds up among region’s clubs in a way they mutually agree upon.
- PD for curling club staff or volunteers
- PD for icemakers or coaches
- Training for Passion Curling
- Travel for youth teams
- Marketing of curling in the region
- Posters
- Return the funds to Curl BC to be placed in a restricted fund for use by the new Zone
Regardless of which option you choose above, Regional bank accounts should be closed by the end of the year and any remaining funds returned to Curl BC for future use in their new Zone.
The Region to Zone breakdown:
- Regions 1 & 2 (Kootenays) has become Zone 1
- Regions 3, 4 & 7 (Thompson/Okanagan) has become Zone 2
- Regions 6 & 5 (Northwest & Northeast) has become Zones 7 & 8
- Regions 8, 9 & 10 (Vancouver Island) has become Zone 6
- Region 11 (Lower Mainland) has become Zones 3, 4 & 5.
Fall Zone Meeting
Clubs in particular regions will still meet but they will be Zoom meetings, led by Curl BC, and called Zone Meetings
The Fall Zone meetings will take place in September in southern coastal regions/October in Kootenays and North
There will be four meetings in total with Zone 2, Zones 3,4&5, Zone 6, and Zones 1,7&8 together.
Sample Agenda:
Welcome new board members
Work on deliverables from Curl BC’s End 1: Best practices in governance & risk management:
- Build some PD sessions. For example, education on an onboarding process.
- Invite chair of nominating committee to talk about the Curl BC board and the role
Work on deliverables from Curl BC’s End 4: Growth in participation:
- Education on online registration and program reporting
- Share best practices on reporting. Example, electronic list should include, for each curler 13 and up, first and last names, date of birth, gender identity, mailing address with postal code as well as their email address. For curlers 12 and under, the list should include first and last names, date of birth and gender identity. Each member facility shall also annually submit their drop-in curler forms and programming forms, if applicable.
- Other business
Spring Zone Meeting
April for all Zones
Four meetings in total with Zone 2, Zones 3,4&5, Zone 6, and Zones 1,7&8 together.
Sample Agenda:
Welcome new board members
Follow up on action items from Fall Zone meeting
- Invite chair of nominating committee to talk about the Curl BC board and the role
- Additional PD from End 1&End 4
- Planning programming for the fall
- Grant opportunities
- Hosting opportunities
- Bonspiel calendar
- Other business
Coffee chats
Open to curlers and curling centre staff and volunteers/board members from across BC. Coffee chats will be a good opportunity for two-way communication between clubs and Curl BC. The topics will be the “hot topics” of the day, so the ones that clubs may bring to us. It’s a good way for us to problem-solve or create strategies alongside our members and in consultation with our members.
- 1 in November
- 1 in January
- 1 in March