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Curl BC Award Winner Q&A – Part 1 (Logan Miron)

July 02, 2024

Each week during the summer, we’re featuring one of our recipients from the 2024 Curl BC Annual Awards so we can learn more about our well-deserved award winners!

Up first is the 2024 Anita Cochrane Coach of the Year recipient, Logan Miron (Victoria).

Q1: What age did you start curling and where?
A1: I started curling at the age of 7 in Kelowna. My Grandpa brought me to the club and I fell in love instantly!

Q2: How long have you been curling for?
A2: I’ve been curling for 18 years.

Q3: Biggest curling accomplishment as a player and coach?
A3: My biggest “playing” curling accomplishment was a silver medal at the 2019 U21 Provincials in Vernon. We lost the final to Team Tardi. As a coach, my biggest accomplishments were this past season, coaching two teams at the national championships.

Q4: Who are some of your biggest curling influences?
A4: My biggest curling influences are not the stereotypical “celebrity” curlers we see on TV, but actually all my fellow curling friends, teammates, and the athletes I coach, especially those at Victoria Curling Club! It’s so inspiring watching your good friends have success and cheering them on along the way (especially when you’re their coach).

Q5. What do you like about coaching that is different from being a player?
A5: Coaches are an incredibly valuable yet utilized part of curling. On top of the regular coaching duties, a coach serves as the representative and voice of the team! I enjoy being able to help my team off and on the ice, and with the little things. For my teams, on top of the coaching, practices, time outs, etc , I try to help by taking care of the small tasks. Things like changing broom heads, making sure there’s mid game snacks, stating shots, and lots more. Coaching does come with an entirely different type of pressure, and you really have to be able to step back and analyze the situation. I enjoy the ups and downs, and immersing into a game – oh yeah, it’s also a lot easier when you’re not the one throwing the shot.

Q6: What is your end goal in curling? What would you personally like to achieve in the sport when you hang it up several years down the road?
A6: I have transitioned from competing more into the coaching realm, so my end goals are to progress my coaching education as much as possible, to continue coaching at the national level and hopefully one day beyond! I’m also incredibly passionate about youth curling, so I hope my lasting legacy, if you will, revolves around growing the game for the next generation.

Q7: How can people get a hold of you that want to work with you?
A7: I am eager to work with anyone! I’m located in Victoria. Currently I’m not coaching a team in the 2024/25 season, but I would love to work with/coach one or many teams! My best contact is by email at