Discover Curling Toolkit
Looking to attract new curlers? Curling Canada has created a comprehensive Discover Curling toolkit of brochures, flyers, posters, and social media graphics for your use. Included are digital files you can personalize with your own contact info.
Access the Toolkit here
Promotional Posters for Clubs
You’ve seen it from this view. Now try it from this one! Try curling.
Curling Canada has developed a promotional poster to help your curling centre recruit new customers for the upcoming season.
Access the posters here
Growing the Sport of Curling
This planning piece is designed to help capture the public’s attention by emphasizing how easy and how much fun it is to get involved in curling. The concept is to encourage people to investigate and then experience the enjoyment of the game first hand. We firmly believe that, when a new customer tries the sport for the first time, they will become curlers for life!
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