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Curling Ice Technician Course & Certification

2.5 Day Course

Curling Centre Ice Technician Pathway

The Curling Ice Technicians Program is intended for those who are looking for a career in ice making. They will learn the skills of installing, maintaining, and removing ice in a dedicated curling facility for all curling events and activities. At the completion of this course the participants will be considered “Curing Ice Technician- TRAINED” status.

Course Pre-requisites, must have at least ONE of the following.

  • Trained Club Ice Technician Assistant
  • World Curling Federation- Introduction to Curling Ice Maintenance online course
  • 12 months working in a curling facilitiy under the supervision of a Certified Curling Ice Technician
  • Former Curling Canada Level 1 Ice Technician Course
  • Former Facility Operator Assitant Training

Expect to Learn:

  • Floors and Draining
  • Spraying and Flooding
  • Painting
  • Taping
  • Ice Equipment
  • Play Equipment
  • Rocks
  • Pebbling and Water Quality

Fees (per person):

  • Curl BC Member $500.00+GST
    • Use discount code BCICETECH
  • Non-Curl BC Member $800.00 + GST

2023-2024 COURSES

Come and work with Mike Merklinger and Norm Scott at the Kelowna Curling Club during the last weekend in June. Kelowna Curling is hosting a bonspiel during the weekend, and Mike and Norm will be accepting participants who wish to work and earn their “Curling Ice Technician” certification. Course material will be delivered in classroom sessions between draw changes, and there will be ample opportunity to practice what you’ve learned in real time as we conduct draw changes and prepare the ice for competition over the weekend.

Participants will be expected to arrive Friday morning, and stay through until the end of the competition on Sunday (exact schedule to be determined). After completion of the course material, you will be given access to the Curl Canada eLearning portal where you will access the final exam. You then have 45 days to challenge the exam and earn your certificate.

This is a unique opportunity for you to come and work with members of the provincial ice team during a competition, as well as attend the Curling Ice Technician certification program. In order for the course to run, a minimum of 6 participants need to apply. If the minimum threshold is not met, then those that have signed up will be contacted with other opportunities to take the course.

Future steps to become CERTIFIED Curling Ice Technician

Now that you’re a TRAINED Curling Ice Technician you are 3 steps away from certification.

Want to host a course at your facility?

Curl BC Member Facilities can request to host the Assistant Ice Technician or the Curling Ice Technician courses

Submit your request here