Curling can continue
The Provincial Health Officer has extended measures to limit the spread of Covid-19.
The good news is curling can continue in BC – but it must be done with a mask and with physically distanced play.
The new public health orders are in effect at midnight tonight and affect all curling clubs across BC. The orders will apply until Dec. 7 but they will be reviewed in two weeks’ time – and could be extended beyond that.
Although Curl BC does not have the full details of the order, here are some key points:
- Masks must now be worn in all indoor spaces, including curling clubs, except when people are eating and drinking.
- All travel for sports into/out of your region is not allowed. That means that if your curlers come from outside your community, they may not be able to curl at your club. (We will work with our sport partners at viaSport to get more clarity on what “region” means in this context).
- No more spectators in your club.
- People should socialize in the lounge ONLY with the members of their household/core bubble. If you are single/live alone you can have a core group of 2-3 people to form your “household/core bubble”.
- You may need to address any gaps in your club’s return to curling plans with regards to physical distancing. (Once Curl BC has the written order, we will communicate if there are any major changes – aside from the new mask mandate – that need to be made).
High performance athletes are not included in the order preventing people from travelling for sport. To qualify as a high performance athlete, you must be:
- Identified by the Canadian Sports Institute Pacific as a high performance athlete affiliated with an accredited provincial or national sports organization
- Already training in B.C.
- Continuing to follow the safety guidelines of your provincial sports organization
Any curlers who do not qualify as high performance who do not meet the above criteria cannot travel until after Dec. 7.
More information about the orders are on the website now at
These orders have been in place in the Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health areas already. As a result we have been able to get some guidance from the ABLE BC (The Alliance of Beverage Licensees) on how to operate your lounge with these restrictions.
Here is the guidance:
- People can meet up at a liquor or food primary with a maximum of six at a table. The rules for food and liquor primaries have not changed under the temporary order, but it is very important that they are diligently followed.
- Liquor and food primaries can have more than 50 people in the building, as long as all protocols are followed with physical distancing, six people per table, and employee protocols in place.
- Until Dec. 7, there are no receptions permitted following weddings and funerals, including any planned receptions at liquor and food primaries. Any such receptions planned for the next two weeks should be cancelled.
- Liquor and food primaries can otherwise stay open and must diligently follow their COVID-19 safety plans. WorkSafeBC will be increasing inspections and liquor and food primaries will be asked to close if they are found to not be following their COVID safety plan and not complying with PHO orders.
- Patrons have been advised by government that they should only visit a restaurant with “people in your household or core bubble” with a maximum of six people at a table. Reservations for private parties that include more than one household or core bubble must be cancelled.
- A core bubble is defined as “the people you spend the most time with and are physically close to. For some people, their core bubble is their immediate household. For others, their core bubble may contain a partner, relative, friend or co-parent who lives in a different household.”
- We know the ‘core bubble’ remains confusing for patrons and operators. It is not your responsibility to make a decision on who is in a patron’s core bubble – trust patrons to do the right thing and cancel their reservations if needed.
Curl BC will provide you with more information as soon as we have it. Thank you everyone!