The BC Championships Season Begins! – CEO Message

December marks the start of another exciting BC Curling Championships season. First up is the BC Men’s & Women’s Open qualifier (currently 9M & 5W) being held December 13-15 at Abbotsford CC. Next is the Safetek Profire BC U18 Championships (12B & 7G) taking place from December 19-23 at Kimberley CC and finally the BC U20 Championships (10M & 6W) scheduled from December 27 to December 30 at Cloverdale CC. Best of luck to all the teams playing and a big thank you to the host clubs, volunteers, officials, coaches and staff that make these events so successful each year.
Please join me in welcoming Gavin Johnson who is Curl BC’s new Membership Services Coordinator. Gavin’s extensive background in sport administration is highlighted elsewhere in this issue and he officially starts December 2. If you are a club representative, I encourage you to reach out and introduce yourself to Gavin at A big thank you and best of luck to Gavin’s predecessor, Kim Dennis, who did a great job for Curl BC for 6 years before taking on her new role as Executive Director of Squash BC.
A new BC-based curling documentary will be opening in a number of BC Cinemas on January 24. Curl Power follows a team of teenage girls as they pursue their dream of becoming Canadian Curling Champions, and seek out their own paths amid the legacies of their Olympic champion mothers. This intimate and imaginative coming-of-age documentary tells a story of angst and ecstasy, following the funny and tender evolution of five best friends as they reckon with their bodies, minds, and the great unknown.
Written and directed by Bowen Island’s Josephine Anderson, it’s a must-see film for anyone who loves curling. I thoroughly enjoyed it and congratulate everyone involved on producing such a high quality film. Advanced ticketing begins on December 10 with 5% of all proceeds going towards Curling Canada’s Girls Rock program. More to come on how your club can become involved!
Scott Braley
CEO, Curl BC