Celebration of Life – Jim Shuman

Jim Schuman Celebration of Life
Curl BC would like to send condolences to Jim Schuman’s family and friends. Members of the BC curling community are encouraged to attend the Celebration of Life at Richmond Curling Centre on Saturday, October 5, from 1-4pm.
“On behalf of Curl BC, I would like to express how much the curling community, both in BC and around the world, is going to miss Jim Schuman. Whenever I think of Jim, I see him in his tartan vest, a big smile on his face and a pint of beer in his hand to welcome you to the Richmond Curling Club. And that laugh. So infectious and joyful letting you know you had arrived at wonderful place full of camaraderie and the best of curling.
The PIC Committee, which Jim led, was second to none and hosted an amazingly inclusive and friendly international competition for 20 years. Jim and the PIC are probably irreplaceable, but they have set the standard for curling events and programs to follow.
Our condolences to Jim’s family and his extended curling family. His contributions and leadership are a shining example to all of us who endeavor to follow in his footsteps.”
– Scott Braley, CEO, Curl BC