2025 BC Masters Curling Championships – Wrap-up

Hosted by the Golden Ears Winter Club, the 2025 BC Masters Curling Championships were successfully held from February 19-23. Team O’Driscoll and Team Atchison (soon to be Team Shaughnessy) won the Men’s and Women’s categories. They are now qualified for the 2025 Canadian Masters Curling Championships, hosted at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario from March 30 – April 6.
Congratulations to all of the following medalists:
Men’s Champions: Team O’Driscoll
Women’s Champions: Team Atchison (soon to be Team Shaughnessy)
Men’s Silver Medalists: Team Craig
Women’s Silver Medalists: Team Klebe
Men’s Bronze Medalists: Team Dunkin
Men’s Bronze Medalists: Team Wright
Women’s Bronze Medalists: Team Lepine
And congratulations to the following award winners:
Men’s Fair Play Award: Dwayne Uyede
Lorraine Gagnon Women’s Fair Play Award: Marnie Devlin
Curl BC would like to thank the Organizing Committee, Golden Ears Winter Club, volunteers, officials, and athletes for the support and effort that made these Championships a success.
Photos can be downloaded here: photos.app.goo.gl/mWMfpgDkYzFaeJzD7
Draws and scores can be viewed here: curlbc.ca/bc-masters-curling-championships/